
industry analysis中文是什么意思

  • 产业分析
  • 六、公司主营业务的行业分析
  • 行业及市场分析



  • 例句与用法
  • Chinese feed and forage crop industry analysis report
  • Housing industry analysis based on the theory of economic growth
  • There are mainly four parts in this report to prove the feasibility and profitability of this coming periodical . first , industry analysis
    围绕上述论点,本文主要从以下四个方面展开了论述: 1 .行业分析。
  • Industry analysis is an important loop in the investment analysis of stocks and is the bridge that links macro - economic analysis and analysis of companies listed on the stock market
  • Finally , the paper analyzes the state of development of each city with dynamic method that combining macroeconomic environmental analysis with microcosmic preponderant industry analysis together
  • On the other hand , the method of multivariate linear regression analysis is used to deduce the relevant matrix between element analysis and of industry analysis coal . then a new calculation model of boiler efficiency by use of industry analysis data is established
  • One of the most important tasks of industry analysis is to discover the industry with the best investment potential and then make investment allocations that follow in the direction of - the industries with the largest potentials that can theoretically obtain larger gains on investments for investors
  • Lots of research and industry analysis show the fact that building and keeping customer relation is the only and most important base for competition advantage . and it " s also the direct result of the innovation of traditional business model , caused by new economy in our society
  • There are five chapters in this thesis . the first chapter is introduction , the second chapter is industry analysis , the third chapter is objective marketing and core demand analysis , the fouth chapter is product characteristic analysis , the last chapter is marketing strategy analysis
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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industry analysis的中文翻译,industry analysis是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译industry analysis,industry analysis的中文意思,industry analysis的中文industry analysis in Chineseindustry analysis的中文industry analysis怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
